Frozen Whitening Combo Set (Gluta Frozen/Collagen)



‌The Genius Whitening.
The first in the beauty industry where beauty meets with intelligence.
1 nano licaps interchangeable capsules provide beauty as well HEALTH.
Nano licaps is absorbed PERFECTLY to the blood vessels and distributed throughout the body without a hiccup !! So, you’re white UP TO FINGER & face.
What pervasive you have from consuming 1 licaps every night ??
– Make PERMANENT WHITE skin of the face to the body.
– Astral content of 30 MG ASTAXANTIN (one of the most powerful skin vitamin in 2016) will PROTECT THE SKIN FROM SUNLIGHT, uv a & B, delay aging, such as Baby face + soft skin
– Gave 100% support to the brain, improving power of concentration.
– Nano absorbing quality conductible Gluta and other vitamins like clockwork throughout the body
– Give  change of EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL SKIN COLOR as snow
– Vitamin enriched by imported from Japan such as Gojic Berries, beta carotene which FOR GOOD EYES.
Feel the difference in health BODY & SKIN within 14 days.


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